Ping Tang Capsule

Ping Tang Capsule

Category: Health Supplement


Better up spiritually and mentally after long consumption with improved physical energy.

Significantly effective in type II (Non-insulin dependent)
that suffer from unstable blood sugar leval, numbness, itching, fatigue, constipation, lack of physical strength, pathologic chang-es in the reting, blindness, and other serious complications.

Is lowering down your blood glucose level trustable?
this targets the root cause of diabetes. To repair damaged islet-calls and increase the sensitivity of insulin recipient. To revitalize the pancrease to aoid unstable blood sugar leval.

The unique formulation
  • Pinus dioscoteae
    Heling wound caused bydiabetes
  • Rubus chingii
    Enhance kidney's function
  • Cloclocarya paliurus
    Regulate blood glucose, lower triglyceride
  • Rehmanniae glutinosa
    Nourish yin & replenish qi
  • Corni officinalis
    Promotes the primordial energy

How to consume for better result?
Blood sugar level below

Take 1-2 capsule, 2-3 times daily with empty stomach in the morning and before sleep. Each treatment takes 90-1200 days depends on condition.

Insulin injection:
Take 1-2 capsule, twice daily during first week. Continue with 2-3 capsule, 2-3 time daily for 4-6 weeks and monitor blood sugar level regularly. If blood sugar level reduce consistantly between 3-6mmol, may get advice from your doctor on reducing your insulin injection dosage.

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